It's official- I love the library and were I not already married, I would consider marrying it.
There are a couple things I love more than everything else and those are books, paper and writing utensils. Oh, and fabric. Big trouble. Big, big trouble. I was just telling my hubbs the other night that if I had nothing else but people in my life and books, I would be all good. Ok, and food. And maybe clothes but I think you know what I am getting at.
On my last trip to the library I totally hooked up. I got all the books I don't already have on my doula reading list. I got a couple of sewing books, a couple of cook books and a couple of books on parenting stuff. Lastly, I picked up a Kits for Kids bag all about animals. Love it!
Here are some ways to get the most out of your library:
*Get entertainment for the kids at the library- books, movies, games, whatever.
*Attend free programs and seminars at the library. Our library has movie nights, plays, concerts, a Lego club, and a ton of other programs that are free.
*A good way to boost your music library. The library has to know that when CDs are borrowed from the library they end up on someone's IPod for free. Just saying.
*Create a project file. I borrow books on crafting or sewing and instead of keeping them for an eternity I make copies of projects I want to try to do (for my personal use, not to share or distribute) and keep them until I have time to work on them.
*Take advantage of multi-media resources for children. We love to get the kits for kids (packs of books and other materials all about a certain subject area) and check out CDs.
For me, the library is one of my favorite places. If it wasn't for my kids, I could totally just get lost in there for a few days. I love the big windows, playing hide and seek with my girls running between rows and rows of books, and the fact that the library knows more than I ever will about.... everything.
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