I wouldn't exactly say that I have a green thumb. I usually go about 90 percent of the way and then make some fatal error... like not replanting fast enough... or leaving seedlings out in a severe thunderstorm to be blown to smithereens. Whatever. Good thing I have a husband who is pretty good! Here are some things we have going right now:
Peas! Our peas are wild and super-yummy. If you have never grown peas before- do so right now! They are a cool weather crop so you can start them in spring or fall. They produce a lot and they taste better than anything you can find in the stores.
Gardening really makes me realize how small I am and how big God is. Looking at a plant like the peas, you can see how beautifully and wonderfully they were designed. They climb up the fencing, throwing out little lines to latch on to the fence and each other. Then they bloom some beautiful white flowers and out of the flowers come yummy edible goodness whose health benefits are off the charts. Amazing!
Zucchini! We have several zucchini plants going right now and if things go as last year, we will have zucchini coming out of our ears anytime. They are amazing too- they will grow full size in 1-2 days. Don't turn your back on them!
You live and you learn.... we tried to relocate this rogue squash plant that started growing in our pepper bed from composted material but within minutes it looked like this- wilty leaves and just plain sad. Kind of sucks but what do you do?
Last year we participated in a CSA or community supported agriculture program with a local organic farm. We are not going to participate this year because we have increased our garden and to be honest, it was hard to keep up before things went bad! In one of our boxes last year we got some lemon balm, which, before that, I never knew existed. I totally heart it and was just thinking about how I would like to have some for my garden but I was thinking it was too late. Well, look what I found in my pea bed! Lemon balm! The best part about it is that I recognized it myself! Note to those just starting out in the garden thing- mint, lemon balm and oregano are all in the same family. Put them somewhere where you don't mind them taking over because they will. They will also come back year after year- awesome!
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