Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy, busy!

It's finally time to rest. I have been busting my tail on a beautiful dress for a beautiful bride.... and it's done! I can't show as much as I would like because I don't want the groom-to-be to have a spoiled surprise.

I have been working with my friend for a while and this project has followed me through my daughter Leila's first year (birth, colic, sleeplessness), my mother's dying and death, everyday trials, the gloomiest and rainiest spring ever, my sister's cancer diagnosis, and more. I am so glad that we have made it to the other side. :)

Coming later- pictures of her wedding hat and more pics of the dress. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to see the front of this dress. I'm so excited about it.
