You know, I just don't know what I think about the July 4th.
I know I can't stand fireworks. I like them on July 4th but the month prior and the month after from 7pm to midnight while I am trying to get my little ones settled for bed- no thanks! What really gets me about fireworks is that I hear them all the time during the day. Isn't the point of fireworks to do them at night and enjoy the beautiful colors along with the horrendous bang? Just saying.
Then there are the sales. As if Macy's and Wal-Mart had a hand in writing and signing the Declaration of Independence themselves... Uh "Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, Macy's, Wal-Mart, Target..."
And the lake. Where is my lake? Shouldn't it be law that if you have a lake place you have to invite the people you know who don't have a lake up to your lake for a lake holiday such as the fourth of July? Maybe I am just jealous...
Now let's get a bit more serious- the amount of bleeding patriots that come out of the woodwork to celebrate. "God Bless America" "I Love America" "America the Brave" I am thankful that many years ago our founders set the foundation for the country that is my home, I just don't feel like I need to exert my patriotism for a day. I don't know why God chose me to be born here in America and some other person to be born into total poverty in a third world country. It surely wasn't anything I did to earn it. If anything I feel like I should be on my knees thanking God for His mercy on me and asking Him how I can help people, whoever they be, who don't have what I have. America has a lot of problems and just because it's the fourth of July I'm not going to forget about them. God Bless America? How about God Blessed America. Let Freedom Ring? How about finding freedom from addiction, depression, obesity and greed.
What will I really do on the fourth? Probably eat some food and hang out with my family then go watch some fireworks. And think about how last year I spent the fourth with my mom too.
Intro photo/drawing borrowed from:
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