Everyday I have interesting conversations with my children- ages 10, 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. The fun never ends, seriously. The other day I actually listened to myself and cracked up over what I was saying. The following is an actual account of conversations that took place with my littles... enjoy!
With Luke (10)....
Luke (in the other room dancing in front of the TV): Hmmmm this show is so interesting
Sofia: BROTHER, MOVE! (crying now)
Me (from the kitchen): Luke, are you being a butt?
Luke: (no answer)
Me: Don't be a butt. Ask yourself "Am I being a butt?" and if the answer is yes, STOP. Love your sister.
With Leila (1 1/2)....
Leila (comes up, takes binky out to speak): Ees yuckeee. dada. ana poop.
Me: Huh? Daddy's going poop and it's yucky?
Leila: Uh... yea! (walks away)
With Sofia (3 1/2)....
Sofia (in the car, toy frying pan in hand): Mom, if I ever see a monster in my room, I'm gonna wack him in the head with my frying pan and put him in my closet like Punzel (Rapunzel)!
Me: Well, honey, that's a good idea but I don't think monsters exist.
Sofia: They do! I saw one in my closet!
Me: Sometimes we see shadows on our walls that might look like monsters but they are just light and shadows. That's all.
Sofia: Oh...... (thinking about that one)
Bonus: With my husband (39)....
Me: Yikes, look at me, I totally left the house without wearing any make-up.
Jamie: It's ok, I did too.
I wish I would write more down... I will try to do that more from now on. And share it with you all, of course!
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