I love the above pic. I have been thinking about a post for a long time called "nursing sutra." I think I just made up my own term! Basically it's when your beautiful little baby grows up but is still nursing and tries to do all kinds of crazy acrobatics while attached to the milk source, i.e. the nipple. In this pic, Leila is literally folded in half, feet on my tummy, drinking milk. She starts out in some sort of cradle hold and ends up like this or something worse about 30 seconds later. Awesome, especially if you are me. Abuse! It all started around 10 months with both my daughters. I have had headstands, one leg up in the air, upside down and even a couple flips off of the nursing chair (as seen in pic). But it's all worth it and for a total of about 5 minutes a day now, I think I can handle it.
Here is another one:
She is totally standing up on my stomach and bent over to drink milk. Can I catch a break?
So here are some great things about long term nursing........
- Continued bonding time even as child grows
- No pressure about weaning for mom or child
- The amount of time nursing gets drastically shorter as the child begins eating more and more table foods
- Great part of the bedtime routine
My favorite of these is relief of pressure about weaning. I feel like that is something that nursing moms fear many times- I know I had a moment where I felt really confused about how it would all shake out. With my first daughter, Sofia, I became pregnant when she was 15 months old. I didn't notice a drastic decline in her interest just because I was pregnant, we were already headed in that direction before that. We nursed less and less. If she asked for it, I said ok. If she did not ask for it, I didn't offer either. It was very peaceful for both of us and I was happy with how it gradually ended. I don't know how things will go with Leila, as she is a bit more of a momma's girl than Sofia ever was. She definitely loves her mee-ilk and still asks for it 2-3 times a day. As she may be my last child, I don't mind. The bonding I have experienced with both my girls through breastfeeding is priceless and I would do it over in a second.
If you are with child or hope to be, please consider breastfeeding your child.
If you are already breastfeeding- awesome! Don't freak out about long-term nursing just do what feels right and don't worry about what others may think. Wean only when ready.
Glad I could share a little piece of my "nursing sutra" with you. Please tell me that I am not the only one with a child who does this?
Good blog, Amber! I would have nursed Zane longer, but he refused both feedings on the day of his first birthday party. I never offered again, he never asked again. I nursed Lydi longer due to her allergies and figuring things out. I had noticed a decline in her interest, so did wean her over break. She didn't bat an eye. Honestly, I can say that girl NEVER asked for it. She did cry as an infant if she were hungry, but she never tugged at my shirt, rooted, said milk, etc. I would have continued, but I was bad about not cutting dairy out all the time and felt that it wasn't fair for her to keep having blowouts because of me. :) ALso, that's funny about your girls doing acrobatics....neither of mine ever did. :)
ReplyDeleteIt cracks me up in this culture that 18 months is considered long term nursing. : ) I consider2+ maybe . . . Either way, I think its great and I'm happy for both you, and your girls. those pics are adorable!