I have been thinking lately that it is time to start really talking to my 3 year old, Sofia, about some birds and bees stuff. So... I started the other day with a book I got from the library. It is called "God made your body" by Jim Burns. It is super light and perfect for the 3-5 age group but definitely uses accurate terminology for body parts.
We read through the whole book and then we have the following conversation:
Me: Remember that girls have a special body part called a vagina so that one day they can grow up and be mommies and boys have a special body part called a penis so that they can grow up and become daddies.
Sofia: ...an I have a agina?
Me: Yes and so do I. What special part does daddy have?
Sofia: A peanit.
Me: And Leila? What does she have?
Sofia: A agina!
(pause where I am excited that Sofia and I seem to be on the same page with our first birds and bees chat...)
Sofia (very excited, now): So one day I grow up and Up and UP, and I have a peanut in my butt?!
Me: (a huge laugh like one of those you try to hide and not laugh but it comes out anyway and big!) I'm sorry honey, what you said made me laugh a little. You are such a silly girl!
I think it went pretty well outside of the peanut in the butt thing :)
P.s. Sofia thinks your "butt" is everything down there so that will be our next hurdle. One day at a time...
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