Saturday, April 2, 2011

Compost cake

I just looked at my last few posts... one about beef barley soup, one about throw-up and now, one about a compost cake. Yum.... maybe I should have thought this through better?

Last night was bible study night. It was also April fools day. I had originally planned to make some sort of April fools food that looked like something it wasn't... and then I found a recipe for a compost cake from the Disney Family Fun website.

I try not to like Disney because I feel like it could eat the world if it wanted to (just like Wal-Mart and McDonald's) but I can't help it. I love Disney. I long for my family trip to Disney World. I sing to every Disney movie I own. My 2 year old daughter doesn't go a day without reminding me about how mean Ursula stole Ariel's voice and Prince Eric stabbed Ursula in her belly. The only magazine I subscribe to is Disney Family Fun because it really is a great magazine! Ok.... back to the compost cake!

This cake is super easy and yum-o! Here is how you do it:

Compost Cake

You will need:

Chocolate cake mix (and the ingredients to go with it)
Chocolate icing
16 pretzel rods
Oreo cookies to crumble on top
Gummy worms
Other candies and look like they belong in the compost (I found some Wonka brand gummies called Sluggles which were perfect, some sour watermelon gummies and some mini cadbury eggs, white of course)

Compost cake!


1. Bake the cake according to directions. Cool. Spread a bit of icing between layers. Ice the rest on all sides.

2. Place pretzel rod (the bin boards), 4 on each side.

3. Top with crumbled up Oreo cookie pieces.

4. Add desired edible compost contents on top

5. Enjoy!

This cake is super- easy. It can be made with your kids to get them pumped for gardening season. It can be made for an environmentally friendly themed party or dinner. Or it can be made for a bible study gathering.... I told them "this is to remind us that God takes all our yucky stuff and works it around for something good." I thought it fit.

Here is where I found the compost cake:

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I'm making this for my husband (an avid gardener) for Father's Day this weekend. :)
